While there are no strict rules or to-do-list to follow, to look stylish, but there are few habits ( we must adore) that every stylish women adhere to, when they create a stunning outfit every single day. While for many, fashion is either an internal thing, or just an external thing; but I believe what…
21 Fun Things To Do All By Yourself
You really need guts to be surrounded by people all-the-time! I know what you must be thinking right now; that what an introvert she is? But let me tell you something before you create any kind of impression about me; “I have always loved being in my own company than with others. But I am…
What My Houseplants Taught Me
My love for having lots of plants in my house started in 2016. I always wanted to create a “positive” inspiring atmosphere in my house- and also there are so many benefits to adding indoor plants to your home! I clearly remember how my love for plants and gardening started! My late grandfather was…
6 Quick Things You Can Do For Yourself- On a Budget
“Always find time for the things that make you feel happy to be alive.” This beautiful quote sums up everything (also is a reminder), about all that we need in life- to feel happy, to relax, to slow down, to find inner peace, and to pamper oneself quiet often. In short, “there are so many…
4 Reasons Why You Should Commit To Do Your Dreams
Believe in yourself and pursue your dreams. There’s nobody in this world who doesn’t like to have dreams. This is something instilled in our DNA. We all wish for so many things- to achieve. To become. And To do. But not all gets to achieve all their dreams, or to make their dreams come true….
How I Found My Happiness Back In Spring
I might be little late in writing this post about #Springmotivation. But I guess I can welcome and celebrate #Spring the entire months of March and April. Do you really want to know how I found my happiness back in spring, then read along. For me spring indicates, the end of dull gloomy winter days,…
The ABCs of How To Feel Beautiful Everyday
Most of us have days when we don’t feel pretty at all, or we don’t like to look in the mirror, or totally hate when we hardly fit into our favorite outfits. Stressing out about anything has never had any solutions. We must own those parts of ourselves, we have always wanted to get…
My Favorite 25 Quotes For ‘Not Giving Up’
I want to begin today’s post with a Big Thank You! 🙂 Thank you for all the wonderful comments you left me in my last post. Truly, you made me feel so blessed to have such wonderful people in my life. Our connection is ‘very special.’- beyond all obligations. My blogging friends and readers have…
53 Simple Compliments To Make Someone ‘Feel Happy’ Today
First of all, I am extremely sorry for writing after so many days. I hope I didn’t disappoint you! As you know I have been busy doing different things- just to keep myself insanely busy. Yes, I mean it. I have realized life is too short (unpredictable) to not do the things I love doing….
15 Simple Things To Do That Can Make You Happy Today
If I ask, “What makes you ‘happy’?” You will probably have many answers. But what if I ask you; “Do you feel happy every single day?”, “Are you a happier person in your daily life?” We all want to stay happy all-the-time. Don’t we? But life comes in between and our efforts to stay positive,…