What’s your definition of success? I believe success looks differently for everyone. For me success is a process, and not a destination. In order to achieve your success and to be successful, persist until you reach your goal, and then aim for the next goal and work hard to achieve it. So success doesn’t stop at one point. The desire to be “more” successful grows with each accomplishment. Believing in yourself is the first secret to success. So how does these facts I’ve mentioned down below about success stands true? Read further to understand how I see success.
- Success is a Process
For me success is a process and not a single achievement, because once we achieve a “goal” and feel happy about our success, a new quest to be successful arises. We start comparing our success with others, and feel we haven’t achieved enough or aren’t enough. Therefore it is so important to see success as a journey that helps you to build and develop your skills and resources that you need to thrive. It is process of progress and not perfection.
2. Success is Built From A Thousand Failures
I believe failures are stepstones to walk towards your success. It is a journey, and each failure brings us new learning and insight about our strengths and skills. When we fail at something, we get to learn about our new strengths and skills.
Success is built from a thousand failures. We all know that, right? But we compare our success with others., instead of comparing only with ourselves. If we can learn how to ignore what everyone else is doing, and focus on our own path, we are very likely to feel successful at every stage of life, because that’s where our journey is taking place.
Comparison is one of the most common reasons why we experience sadness when we fail. The pain of failing shook us so much physically and emotionally that many give up and stop moving forward in life. They take detours, and quick short-cuts to success which later proves to be dangerous and ugly.
3. Social Media’s Influence on Tinted Success Definition
The rise of social media is another big reason why we don’t experience the real joy of small or big success. We’re constantly becoming so absorbed in the rose-tinted version of life as the truth, that our own life looks like empty, not-so-perfect, and happening. Comparing our lives with others’ that we see online is a waste of energy. People only share in which they look or sound perfect, in which their life, relationship, and success looks perfect, attractive, and happy, and happening.
It is so appealing to us as humans to turn on social media for instant validation through likes, comments, and followers. When we engage so much with social media, and try to change our life and lifestyle as per the trends, how can we feel better with what we have achieved, or with what we have been given in life? Always there will be something missing. Isn’t it?
We are our own competition. Our competition should be directed to becoming better than we were yesterday. If we want to be the greatest version of ourselves, and to feel the success genuinely, we have to keep the focus on our own life and goals.
4. Be Consistent
Consistency is the drive that help us keep our eyes on our goals, and motivate us to keep moving forward in life and career. A consistent small progress each day leads to big changes in life that later becomes our habits.
There are days when I constantly write and post on my blogs, and then there are days when I post after three months. This stretch of gap effects me badly. I lose my readers, my habit of writing and keeping my mind busy at work, I get into the habit of procrastinating, and i fall behind in achieving my goals.
Refocus by forgiving yourself when you fall behind your goals, make adjustments, and take action. Keep believing in yourself. Manifest what you want to be, and/or where you want to see yourself as in next few years. A little progress each day gets you closer to your goals, because nothing is impossible when you are determined and focused.
5. Stay Focused
Prioritize your tasks to focus on what’s important first. Do the thing that requires your time and attention immediately. This will make it easier for you to ignore distractions outside of your goal. This habit will make it easier for you to achieve success in any circumstances. With focus you can achieve anything.
Never allow setbacks to derail you. Always keep your focus on your dreams/goals and continue working towards it every day. Your focus should be on your present moment, while tending to your future goals.