The start of a new month is always a good time to set new goals, to bring more meaning and purpose to your life. It is also the best time to decide upon new tasks and activities. Therefore, I am always so excited about welcoming a new month into my life. Even before we realize, the…
Author: Epsita
How to Spread Kindness Around With Some Random Acts And Through A ‘Plant Swap’
One unexpected kind deed can brighten someone’s day. Isn’t it? Now that we’re too close to say goodbye to this year, I want to make a wish today; “to see people being more kind towards themselves and others.” But how can we spread more kindness in the world? I feel one of the easiest way…
How To Express Yourself Through Different Creative Mediums
Creativity has always been my favorite medium to express myself. I was otherwise always a silent voice; avoiding people, events, crowds, and any opportunities that would make me speak up. But I had a heart full of emotions inside me, and I wanted to release them fully and to let go the pain forever, but…
Reasons Why I Followed My Passion and You Should Too!
“You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.” …
The Positive ‘She’: How to Train Yourself to be More Positive and Develop Positive Thinking Habits
Simple life changing practices can tune our brain to see more positive around us; and to react less in a negative way! You just need to adapt few skills (learning to make peace all-the-time) that can feed your brain some positive messages to help you develop positive thinking habits. And when you make a shift…
6 Ordinary Ways We Can Always Stay Positive and Feel More Happy In Our Life
We have the advantage of this ginormous freedom of “choices!” Don’t we? So why it is so hard to make ‘positive choices‘, and to stay positive in our life? I often find myself pondering over this question. So how do we stay positive and feel more happy by inviting some positive energy into our life?…
How I Look For Inspirations?
This afternoon; “I was kind of feeling annoyed. Feeling angry and frustrated; because I was getting lost in my unhappy thoughts. After many attempts, I was not able to understand certain relationships in my life. It was getting difficult for me to make people (some people I spoke to)understand; about things- that hurt me; certain…
6 Ways To Let Go Of The Past To Live In The Present
For most of us, past is never a pleasant experience. If past has been haunting you [let go of the past]; it’s time you take care of it, and bring yourself back to the present. I will not ask you to forget your past, as it is really difficult. Perhaps you can always avoid any…
Important Lessons I’ve Learned From My Failures
“After umpteen failures, I learned, trying each time gave me new energy, new focus and new life to live and to challenge to survive.”~Epsita I now thank my failures, for teaching me to survive my dreams. If you have never failed in your life, you cannot know how success looks like and what it is…
5 Simple Tips To Make Your Relationship Stronger
To make your relationship stronger, I think; “Love needs to be expressed to be felt.” All thanks to the card companies that prints/produces the exact feelings & words; our heart wants to say or hear:) Especially for a ‘shy’ person like me; who wants to speak zillions of words; and express how I feel for…